
core wall 隔水墻。


Introduces some anti - seepage high embankment dams in the world with bitumen concrete inclined core wall , and analyzes , taking the existing maopingxi embankment dam as an example , the effect of slope thereof on the stress and deformation of the wall by non - linear adhesive elastic finite element calculation changing the type and thickness of the core wall 摘要介紹世界上幾座瀝青混凝土斜心墻防滲高土石壩,并結合國內已建的茅坪溪瀝青混凝土心墻壩,通過改變其心墻形式和厚度,并用非線性粘彈性有限元對其進行計算分析,探討了斜心墻的傾斜斜率對心墻的應力與變形的影響。

The paper expounds the essentiality of the application of database in the emulation system of water resources and hydropower engineering construction process , introduces the ado ( activex data object ) which is a very convenient database link technique , and narrates the course and detail of the database design by an example on the construction process of some rock fill dam with a core wall 摘要闡述了數據庫技術在水電工程施工過程仿真系統開發中的重要性;介紹了一種極為方便的數據庫鏈接技術ado數據對象;通過心墻堆石壩填筑施工過程仿真的實例,闡述了模擬數據庫設計的過程和細節。

The dispersibility as well as seepage distortion and salt transference under long - term seepage condition of soil samples obtained from the clay core wall in xijiao and sanping reservoirs were studied by physical and chemical properties of soil and composition of clay mineral and the tests for identification of dispersive clay soils which included double - hydrometer test , pinhole test , crumb test , tests to defermine salt content of pore water and percentage of exchangeable sodium 摘要應用碎塊、針孔、雙比重計、孔隙水可溶鹽和交換性鈉百分比等五種試驗方法,結合物理化學性質和礦物成分分析,對西郊、三坪兩水庫大壩心墻土樣進行了多種方案的分散性試驗及長期滲流條件下的滲透變形試驗和鹽分運移試驗。

In order to understand the characteristics and mechanism of flow washout for the crevice of core wall in earth - rock dam , according to the exemple of crack washout test for the core of heihe dam , constant water level washout test and changing water level washout test are adopted differently , the process of test and the character of the flow washout for the core crack are gone into particulars 摘要為了解水流沖刷作用下反濾層對土石壩心墻裂縫發展保護作用的特點和機理,以黑河土石壩心墻裂縫沖刷試驗為例,分別采用常水頭和變水頭兩種方法,探討了土石壩心墻裂縫在水流沖刷過程中的特點。

Abstract : according to the charateristics of the rock fill dam with an asphaltic concrete core wall , the reasonable models are chosen to simulate the rock dam body , rigid subwall and asphaltic concrete core wall , a method is suggested to investigate the interface between subwall and core wall , the local stress distribution of the core wall is taken into consideration in the calculation 文摘:結合瀝青混凝土心墻堆石壩的結構特點,對堆石壩體、剛性副墻、瀝青混凝土心墻分別采用了合理的計算模型,提出了剛性副墻與心墻接觸面的模擬方法,研究了心墻的局部應力問題,并用該方法對某瀝青混凝土心墻壩進行了計算,得出了一些規律性結論

Through the use of off - site fabricated steel members and slip - form construction for concrete core walls , the construction time was considerably shortened , the standard of workmanship controlled and the use of timber formwork eliminated 使用預制鋼鐵組件及可移動板模興建混凝土主墻,可顯著縮短工程時間,加強控制施工標準及減少使用木材板模。

It is pointed out that wind vibration comfort control on tall steel structure by using modem control technique and the lateral deflection control on the frame - core wall structure by using outriggers can be realized 指出了現代控制技術對高層鋼結構風振舒適度控制及外伸臂對框架核心筒結構體系水平位移指標控制的實現。

The dam of mania hydroelectric project is a soil - rock dam with spreading gradation soil of core wall . the height of the dam apices is 4261 . 3m and the maximal height is 76 滿拉水利樞紐工程攔河壩為寬級配礫質土心墻土石壩,壩頂高程4261 . 3m ,最大壩高76 . 3m 。

The maopingxi embankment dam ( med ) with an asphaltic concrete core wall , an a - class permanent building , is an important part of three gorges project 茅坪溪防護大壩屬一等一級永久建筑物,是三峽工程的重要組成部分。

It is conclued that the filter layer can protect the core wall of earth - rock dam from flow erosion 結果表明,寬度不大的裂縫在合適的反濾層保護下,能防止心墻土體被水流沖刷。

Seismic design concept from a pseudo - static test of steel reinforced concrete frame - core wall structure model with transfer floor 核心筒結構模型擬靜力試驗對抗震設計的啟示

Why do you think the wall between the master bedroom & the middle room is a core wall 個單位好似有問題,點解?地會拆了主人房同中間個房個主力墻呢

Experimental research on asphalt concrete impervious core wall for yele hydropower station 冶勒水電站瀝青混凝土心墻防滲性能的試驗研究

Calculation of water surface profile for earth dam with core wall during level fall of reservoir 水庫水位降落期心墻土壩水面線計算

Adaptability of pouring asphalt concrete core wall for earth - rock in cold region 土石壩澆筑式瀝青混凝土心墻在寒區的適用性

Characterisitics of plastic concrete for impervious core wall of tgp cofferdam 三峽工程二期圍堰防滲墻塑性混凝土特性

Core wall construction management for the auxiliary dam of the fengcheng upper reservoir 風城高庫北副壩心墻施工控制

Stress analysis of the rock fill dam with asphaltic concrete core wall 冶勒堆石壩瀝青混凝土心墻型式及尺寸研究

Applying placement asphalt concrete core wall in rock - filled dam 澆筑式瀝青混凝土心墻在堆石壩上的應用